Patient Information

Frequently Asked Questions.
Documents Required For Admission
Please bring the following documents / materials prior to beginning the Admission process:
- – Admission slip
- – OP File
- – All Investigation reports with films and CD (if applicable)
- – Insurance card
- – One Government approved ID (like, Aadhaar card, PAN card, Passport)
- – Letter from Referral Doctor, if any.
Admission Process
After the patient and family have decided the room category, the Front desk staff will generate a Unique IP Identity Number for the patient, under which all the medical records will be stored and maintained by the Hospital for all future references. The patient will be required to make an advance payment. The advance shall be adjusted against the final bill at the time of discharge.
The treating doctor will give you an approximate estimation of expenses that you may incur during your stay at hospital. Kindly note that the clinical condition of the patient will determine actual treatment costs. The estimate and final charge may very based as associated diseases, or for seen complications, longer hospital stay etc.. Those seeking the cashless route shall visit the Insurance desk where the Insurance staffs will help through the Admission and billing process.
The Operations Manager will then escort the patient to the allocated room and make sure the patient feels comfortable. In case of any discomfort, the patient can contact the Operations Manager, at any time during the stay at the Hospital.
Attendant Right & Responsibilities
As a attendant, you have the right to:
- Be treated with respect, consideration, compassion and dignity, in a safe and clean environment regardless of your age, gender, race, origin, religion, sexual orientation or disabilities.
- Be addressed by your proper name and to be informed about the names of the doctors, nurses and other healthcare team members involved in your care.
- Full protection of your privacy, dignity and confidentiality in care discussions, examinations, and treatments.
- A clear and understandable explanation by your doctor about your diagnosis, as well as the benefits and risks of each treatment, expected outcome and change in medical condition.
- Be protected from physical abuse and neglect.
- Receive information from the hospital regarding the expected cost of treatment and payment policies.
- Request for a copy of your medical records as per Hospital protocol.
Patient Right & Responsibilities
As a patient you have the right to:
- Be treated with respect, consideration, compassion and dignity, in a safe and clean environment regardless of your age, gender, race, origin, religion, sexual orientation or disabilities.
- Be addressed by your proper name and to be informed about the names of the doctors, nurses and other healthcare team members involved in your care.
- Full protection of your privacy, dignity and confidentiality in care discussions, examinations, and treatments.
- A clear and understandable explanation by your doctor about your diagnosis, as well as the benefits and risks of each treatment, expected outcome and change in medical condition.
- Be protected from physical abuse and neglect.
- Receive information from the hospital regarding the expected cost of treatment and payment policies.
- Request for a copy of your medical records as per Hospital protocol.
Guidelines For Visitors
As a patient you have the right to:
- Visiting Hours should be strictly adhered to as patients have very low resistance to fight infection and visitors can be a source of infection to them.
- We encourage families to discuss scheduling their visits, in order not to overwhelm the patient by visiting all at one time. While support from loved ones is important, we also ask that visitors respect the patient′s need for rest during their recovery. Visiting Hours Morning 12pm-1pm, Evening 5pm-7pm
- Visitors are welcome only during the visiting hours
- On admission to the hospital, one attender pass & one reliever pass shall be given to the patient and the attendant respectively.
- All the passes have to be returned to the Staff Nurse at the time of discharge.
- The room number is prominently displayed on the pass for ease of verification by the security personnel.
- Visiting hours for in patients are from 12am to 1pm and 5pm to 7pm.
- During visiting hours, 2 attenders are allowed but one at a time. If more than one attendant is found during non visiting hours, they will be requested to leave the room.
- Visitors may have to leave the room temporarily while the patient is examined by the care provider.
- Visiting hours for the ICU might vary and only 1 visitor is allowed for a brief period of time.
- Visitors in the Intensive Care areas are requested to adhere to infection control protocols while entering the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)
- Kindly adhere to a ‘no-visitor’ policy, if the admitting doctor request the same.
- Visitors staying beyond visiting hours will be asked to leave.
Patient Infection Control Policy
We would also seek your utmost cooperation in ensuring a minimal stay of the patients by abiding the following Infection control practices:
- Wear a face mask wherever applicable according to Hospital protocol.
- Please refrain from visiting patients if you have any communicable disease or have symptoms such as fever, cough or cold.
- Kindly refrain from bringing flowers or bouquet as it may carry infections.
- Children of age 16 and under are not encouraged to visit patients due to their relatively low immunity.
- If patient is in isolation, the attenders may not be allowed or may be asked to wear a PPE.
- To respect the privacy of our patients, visitors taking photographs, audio or video recording using any devices (camera, video-camera, phone-camera, voice recorder) is not allowed within the hospital premises.
- Please do not touch patient’s surroundings, bed and IV lines.
- Please wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub after visiting patients in the hospital.
Do Not Tip: As a service Organization, we wish to extend every courtesy to all our patients. All of our employees have been instructed not to accept any tip in kind or cash. In case of non-compliance by staff, kindly contact (+917397768795) No Smoking: The hospital is a No Smoking Zone. Smoking, chewing tobacco or Consumption of Alcohol is Strictly Prohibited.
The management of THANC Hospital wishes you a comfortable stay and a speedy recovery. Kindly follow the hospital rules and help us in providing efficient Services:
- TOBACCO – All Tobacco products are strictly prohibited (Smoking, Chewing, Pan / Pan Masala) in the hospital premises.
Alcohol and substance abuse is not permitted in the hospital premises - SERVICES – Services of Medical, Nursing, Housekeeping and Maintenance staffs are available round the clock. In case of any difficulty contact your Nursing Station.
- FOOD AND BEVERAGES – No Outside food or beverages are allowed in the hospital premises. Patient will be served therapeutic diet as per doctor’s advice in their respective room. Attendants will be served in the Cafeteria. demand). No food / beverages are allowed for visitors in the room.
- OT/HDU/ICU TRANSFER – The attendants have to vacate the room whenever the patient is shifted to any critical care area or for a surgery / procedure. However, attendants have a choice of retaining the room (subjected to availability) while patient is in intensive / critical care area. Additional charges for the retained room shall be applicable on daily basis.
- SETTLEMENT OF BILLS – Settlement of bills must be done on presentation of the bills. Pending payments as per the due slip should be cleared immediately. Please get receipt for all payments made.
- PATIENT’S BELONGINGS – The management will not in any way whatsoever, be responsible for any loss or damage to the patient’s belonging. Kindly keep your belongings safely.
- AIR CONDITIONING – Please ensure that all the windows / doors are closed for effective Air – conditioning.
- LAUNDRY– Washing of clothes is strictly prohibited inside the hospital. Kindly contact patient coordinator for laundry services.
- CHANGE OF ROOM – The Management shall have the right to change the room allotted to the patient at any time, without assigning any reason thereof and without any previous notice, or to shift the patient to any other suitable accommodation.
- VIOLENCE – Violence against medical, paramedical, other hospital staff and damage to hospital property are punishable offence.
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