THANC Hospital



Voice strains and changes in voice are commonly experienced by the teachers as their profession demands high vocal demand. It is mostly seen in teachers working in Primary School and adolescent children. Music teachers & PT teachers are at high risk. Voice is produced by the vibrations of the vocal folds (Voice Box) meeting together. Any swelling or dysfunction can lead to change in voice.

The following tips will reduce vocal strain among teachersHave sips of water in between talking.Use microphone if available.Walk into the class and talk.Do not scream or whisper.Have food at regular intervals.Regular exercise.Keep general health good.Plan your classes so that there is a gap between lectures.

2.What to do when there is a voice problem ?

Consult ENT surgeon who will examine your vocal cords and find out if there is any problem. The Speech and language Pathologist will assess and teach correct technique of voice usage. Stroboscopy is a specialized instrument which helps in visualizing the intricate movement of the vocal folds when they vibrate. It uses flashes of light

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