ENT and Dental camp was held on 21/04/ 2022 to 22/04/ 2022 at Airport administrative building from 10am to 1pm
- Dr. Sudha (ENT)
- Dr. Adhavan (ENT)
- Dr. Vickhram (Dental)
- Kanimozhi (Staff Nurse)
- Monisha (Staff Nurse)
- Priyadharshini (Nurse)
- Mr. Dinesh (insurance)
- House keeping -1
Total number of Patients- 17
- ENT- 12
- Dental- 05
- General complaints- 02
- CBG- 13
Advised to Follow up – 09
- ENT follow up – 03
- Dental follow up – 03
- General follow up – 02
- Pure Tone Audiometry- 01